Sunday, November 06, 2005

What does trading and football have in common...WELL glad you asked.

Ever need someone to lean on??? Or ever need a head rest??

I have been to Happy Valley in November to see PSU play football over the past 35 years or so, but have never been to a PSU game like this one. November in Happy Valley can be cold and wet to say the least, but Saturday the weather was just perfect, very little wind, high clouds and in the 60's as we started walking into the stadium area to watch PSU go up against WI.

Our first stop on the adventure was to the Bryce Jordon Center, to watch and listen to the mighty PSU Blue Band get the fans fired up, we might have also stopped and picked up some of the ice cream from the Creamery......the same Creamery where Ben and Jerry learned how to make ice cream, by the way. We tasted the Peachy Paterno, Vanilla and Mint Chocolate Chip and had a couple of cheeseburgers along with a couple of italian sausages and washed it all down with a nice diet that is living my brother and I know food.....for sure....

The drum line at PSU is one of the best in the country as they did a couple solos for the crowd. Man were they good at what they do......

No this is not the Woodchipper CCI team warming up, it's the Cheeses from Wisconsin who were ranked number 14 in the country against the Lions that were ranked number 10. It was the first time in a long time that you couldn't find a ticket to buy even from the market gurus....(scaplers).....interesting names.

It wasn't long before 109,865 screaming fans had filled the house to the second largest crowd ever at Beaver Stadium, later it was learned that this game also had the highest attendance in the nation of Saturday, and each seat is 16.5 inches wide, and most of us are about 18.3 so we became friends with a lot of new people....ROTFL.

The student section at any University around the country have their own style of being that 13th player. This year, all the students wore a white T-shirt and this is referred to as a WHITE OUT......Of course, they made sure that the letter "S" for state was still seen. I'm not sure but doubt that the students ever sat down during the game as they continued to scream for all they had in them when WI had the ball.

So what does football and trading have in common....well...I think JoePa might be reading this blog, he hasn't called me yet...but who knows. Football is about having a game plan, we can it a trading plan. Football requires discipline and without it in trading, you are a goner. Football requires you to execute properly and so does trading.....if you wait to long and chase a setup, it changes the risk to reward ratio and you can even get sacked. Football requires you to stay true to what works for you, and not to chase the next magicial "fly by night" trick formation that someone else is using like Texas....62 to 0....what the heck was Baylor doing?????
JoePA over the past 3 years has had a tough time, to say the less, we would call it a drawdown. He recruited, he worked on the game plan and made adjustments and this year he is BACK BABY......9-1-0 and leading the Big10 Conference and the students at PSU are behind him all the way. In trading, I trade the first bar trade, in football we would call it a first drive of the game. Saturday, that lead PSU to it's first score in 1 minute and 34 seconds.......there was no thinking about it, checking this and that, listening to the press box, or the people in the stands....IT WAS TRADING ....I mean football at it's it down their throats..and bend them over.

At the end of day or game, when it's all over and you look back at what you did, it's important that you stayed true to what works for you, stay focused on the mission at hand, manage it the best you can with what you have. Fumbles, interception, missed opportunities will always be part of the game, just like getting out of a trade to early or staying to long. Reading some text in the chat room and missing the ideal setup and trigger, but that is life...that is what each of us have to deal with each day
win, lose or draw.

A while back, it seems that maybe some of the students got a little excited and maybe ran on the field and accidently tried to take down a goal post. The AUTHORITIES then decided that couldn't take place so they ran in and tried to control the students with pepper spray. The students on the other hand decided to take a stand against the AUTHORTIES....and sent a bunch to the hospital, by the way. So now the AUTHORITIES not only come ready to play, but they brought their horses with them. When the AUTHORITIES came into the stadium, and at the student sections, neverless to say they were all welcomed.......


  1. Cripes Den ! an arse (ass to you) 18.3 inches, that's nearly as wide as my new Dell Flat screen monitor. Mate, you sure live well that's for sure but I think you need more exercise, try helping the 3 Amigos with some of that labour (after the First Bar of course).

  2. I didn't see the game since we were at PSU but.....

    The Volunteers did just fine, but it's tough playing against God's team. Glad to see the brats are back, now if they could just get a good fight song and chicken wings at the game we would be set......rotfl
