Sunday, November 06, 2005

Ever feel that the world is out to get YA........try this

Try this puppy out for a spin........

Click and hold on the red square.
Now, more it so that you neither touch the walls nor get hit by any of the blue blocks.

If you make it to 18 seconds, you ready to day trade.
If you don't...well then, it off to WallyWorld we go...
high ho....high ho......cheers


  1. after a couple of shots, I made it Den .... I was a bit worried for a while, thought I wasn't going to survive after 6 years at daytrading without any other visible means of support. We don't have a Walmart here in Oz but Kmart would be just as bad wouldn't it...... phew !

  2. move the cursor to the left. wait 3 seconds for the stuff to move out of the way, then move all the way down to the lower right. another 7 seconds there. move to the center 5 seconds then back down lower left. repeat good for 23 seconds each time.

  3. Sorry this is off topic but once again Woodie shows his paranoid petty self. Gio was asked by hotcomm this morning to announce to her room that no one was to disturb or interrupt woodie's room in any way. The lengths this small man will go to never cease to amaze...

    Hey woodie, why don't you crawl under a rock with all your MAW money and let rooms far better than yours go about their business.

  4. anon 11:06 am, I can't disagree with what you said about W, other than to add that Gio's whining voice drives me up the freaking wall! She craves the spotlight every bit as much as W and can deliver a cold, hard put-down on the unsuspecting with the best of them.

    Besides, stay away from all of those big rooms and, if you must, trade with a small group for some company and new ideas in a skype or yahoo messenger chat conference and you'll be far better off.

    The best traders are highly independent and trade alone. You won't find them looking to be your bestest buddy in a hotComm puppet room. Occasionally, you'll luck-out and come across an 'oleman' or 'gb007' who can help to give you that "aha!" to get you to the next level, but that's very few and far between.

    The food tastes much better when you prepare your own secret sauce. Listening to Gio or W is like settling for Ragu for the rest of your life.

  5. re 11:06 ah so thats why you don't have your room anymore, Hotcomm not gonna put up with horseshit from you about other rooms

  6. yeah I agree. But when you're a newbie and dont know jack from jane, anything helps. Btw whatever happened to GB007, is he still alive? the last I heard he was having health issues. And does anyone have a picture of Gio?

  7. Anon 11:06
    Took the words verbatum out my mouth! Gio is like nails on a chalkboard. I dont like ragu either
