Tuesday, November 22, 2005

So let's build a roof..........

I bought a cherry picker so the guys could have a safe way of working off the ground, however it appears to have turned into a crane as they moved the roof trusses that were not burned in the fire up to the front of the house.

Once we moved them in place it was time to start putting the roof on....:)

A house just doesn't look right without a roof, RIGHT????

As soon as Yankee, which is an interesting name since he is about as red reck as they come without a sheet.

They drove two nails in the center of the roof trusses to try and balance the weight of the trusses as they used a hook to lift the trusses.

AND away they went one at a time........hip hip hooray.

One at a time, they were set and nailed on top of the outside walls and braced against each other.

You can see the braces at the top of the trusses, these also served as spacers.

It wasn't long before all the trusses were up, the last 3 were not placed because of the fireplace hasn't been extended pass the roof system yet. As soon as the posts and beams are set, it will be extended and all the trusses will be set then.

As soon as the trusses were set, they finished framing out the bathrooms and walk in closets.

Then the bedroom wall was popped in place and the right side of the house is ready to be sheeted. I am not trading until Monday and hope to have all the pictures update by then....they are a bunch as we are working overtime everyday to beat the weather......it's cold and snowed today.....BUT HEY....it lookin good!!!

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