Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Information on Internals and other toys......here is some!!

From: "a trading friend"
To: dbolze@yahoo.com
Subject: Linda Raschke lecture - archived copy
Date: Mon, 21 Nov 2005 12:49:19 -0500

Hi Dennis
Just a thought.... you may like to mention in the blog the archived presentation by Linda Raschke - the 1st of 3 lectures she is doing for MarketVu. This is available at http://www.themarketvushow.com/
and is free for viewing. This lecture deals with trading tricks in the 1st 30 minutes of the day.
She also did a 2nd one last week dealing with trading Breakouts. She has the Powerpoint slides on her site, but I have not seen the full audio-visual program available yet.
Her work certainly helps provide some insight into many of the things you discuss about your trading.
By the way, the house looks wonderful. What a great time of year to be building with the color and all.
Best wishes............

I received this email giving me a heads up on things out there for those who would like addtional information about the internals. So I went and took a look see, and if you click on the picture and look in the upper left corner under "address" what does it say.......ROTFL.......then I clicked on the presentation and guess whos voice is the intro......

Seriously, I have been a student of LBR for a number of years now since 1997 and her work is solid and if you can attend one of her workshops it would be money well. This is the only workshop that I found true value in after attending maybe 30 and buying all the crapola out there for about 2 years until I found my holy grail....by the way......I have given you, in this blog, all the pieces of the holy grail including the secret sauce if you have read along and actually spent time working on it......I am surprised to some degree that no one has figured it out yet.


  1. 2nd part


    btw, she does'nt only kick ass, she's cute too! :)

  2. I am thankful that I have Dennis to play with on the internet......c

  3. Ok, this is what I was asking earlier, why is woodie on marketvu show almost every day now? it was on this show that i heard woodie say (yesterday) that 14K had been donated to MAW from the last trade along.

    Who is paying who? marketvu pays woodie or woodie pays marketvu for the press?

  4. But here's the big difference:

    Raschke is a former trader who turned into a vendor. She knows what she's doing. But she also knows it's shooting fish in a barrel to vend vs. putting up your own money to compete with other traders. It's a sweet life to rest on your laurels and get paid to lead the lemmings around.

    Dennis has been and still is a trader. He gets his money from the market. Nuff said.
