Sunday, November 13, 2005

Octagon framing

I bought a cherry picker after the fire once I saw just how much it costs to rent one of these suckers for a period of time. At the time, I didn't think it would be used more as a crane then a cherry picker...but what the heck it works.....

Each section of the octagon is build and then lifted into place. They cut the top and bottom plates by using the existing octagon framing from the third floor as a pattern.

The cherry picker has all it's control up on the stand and the only problem's jerky instead of smooth like a crane.

One by one, each piece is lifted, moved and placed, but then it has to be nailed at the top and bottom along with the sides....anyone want to walk out and nail these in????

It wasn't long before the last one was being placed.......

And there we are, finished framing the fourth floor, after they brace, filled in some blocking we will be ready for roof trusses.....Anyone see the Tyvek around???

As they work framing the fourth floor, others are working on placing windows on the first floor, each is the other octagon having their windows put in..

The first plumber was flushed the other week because they were spending to much time drinking coffee and talking. The new plumber is working on getting everything thru the hollow core panels and the concrete floor on the second level. You can see caps and a black top on some of the pipes...this is done so it can be air up and left over night, if the gauge is the same as yesterday then all the pipes that were not destroyed because of the fire as "OK" and can be used.

1 comment:

  1. I found this blog while googling for 50CCI stuff a few months ago. Well I'm not really looking at CCI stuff at the moment, but I have learnt a lot about attitude.

    At first I thought, what's this guy doing putting his house construction on the net. It makes him seem pretty ego-centric and a show off.

    Then I thought there something to learn here.

    House burns down. Get back up build it. Couple of months later its looking great.

    The attitude which makes someone a successful trader is probably the same one which make you rebuild a burnt out house.

    He also doesn't mention the idiots who did it. Move on, forget about the losers.

    Good on ya!
