Saturday, November 12, 2005

Fourth Floor...HERE we come

We finally finished screwing down the Adventech for the fourth floor and were ready to begin framing.

In order to get up and down easy we had to build a set of stringers........

It's always a good idea to have a brace about half way up, so it doesn't shake as you are carrying up supplies.......

I know a lot of traders love to trade out of a triangle, so here is your chance to get as many as you like ...just email me with the amount.

When we started building the house, they delivered supplies in a 10 year old truck and now that his guy is here at least once a day if not's nice to see he is driving a brand spanking new one.....HUMMMMM......

It didn't take them long to have the first panel ready to set up.....I was drinking a cup of coffee and eating a donut and almost missed it.

But I did make it upstairs before the panel was finished being nailed......OK, I might have been huffing and puffing.....but I made it...just the same.

1 comment:

  1. If you see any dodecahedrons laying around, I could use one.
