Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The next workshop and what to expect!!!!

The next Educational Workshop that is coming up will have a new agenda, after doing the same thing over and over even I am bored, so have you ever wanted to swing trade stocks? If the answer if yes, then maybe I have a couple of ideas for you.

What I will be doing over the next couple of weeks, is first post a couple of stocks that I will be using at the educational workshop, so that those of you who don't like a cherry picker hindsighted chicken eatin redneck to say....after the whole thing is finish....yea yea you should have gotten that one..... :)

I will post the stock the day that I do something with it, then at the workshop I will go into details of how I picked that stock in the first place, how I would use what we have come to know as the "BASE" system to find a low risk setup and finally how I entered and managed the trade.

So don't be a fool like Mittens here and when I say this is a stock to just say a prayer and punch the order entry key.....we don't need no fools... OKKKKKKKK. But you can follow along and see if you are currently a follower and have the "BASE" system...... :)

Details of the next educational workshop are having the final touches being putting on them now.......Oktoberfest will be on Friday night and you can purchase tickets directly from the United Way of Sevier County at http://www.uwosc.org/ They will be updating their website this week.....All the beer and brats you punch down..... :)


  1. Dennis - I probably won't be able to make this workshop in person. Will you make it available via the internet like last time?

  2. Hmmm, I am thinking this is going to work out better than I thot.... :) dloomis514
