Sunday, November 20, 2005

These guys are also Rockers.........

Having real stone laid inside the house is a messy job as the scrap pieces fall to the floor all day long as they move higher.

The biggest difference between the first pic and the second is that the ped was covered with 3/4 inch plywood and strapped in order to carry the 52" by 46 foot tree later.

The ped was also raised up 2.25 inches because the tree might be just a little shorter because of the fire...this way we have a little adjustment room if needed.

It wasn't long before they popped their heads above the second floor as they moved higher. Because of the ped, we were 32" short on being able to just put the scaffolding we had 3 pipes made 32.25 inches long and 1.5 wide......set the next scaffolding on the pipes and the last leg on the ped......and tied they down.

Everyday, before they would leave, at least 8 buckets of rock, 3 buckets of sand and bags of mortar mix was brought over the this bridge has been said to belong to the city and is actually an entrance to some park.......well whatever you believe believe.

They charge by the square foot and provide everything so it doesn't matter to me how long this takes....up to a point. The one guy on the left is laying about 20 percent more stone a day them the other two together.......

He had finished the left side, then helped the other two guys by moving supplies in and also helped lay more stone.

This wall will be point of focus when you walk down the stairs, along with 6 other areas that will have stone features.....along with water falls....and water falls over stone......He is working on one of those features here.

Well, they finished the octagon, the first feature and now for the best part....figuring up just how many square feet they did this time around.......they are coming back the week after Thanksgiving to lay two more feature areas. The entire formal dining room with be laid with stone walls.....should be interesting for see the effect.


  1. A public bridge yards away from your house! yeah, that sounds real safe. lol

  2. Dennis,

    LOL, I love the music that goes with the photos....LOL

    I noticed you said "waterfall" really careful to have the room isolated and a good evacuation system in hubby built homes with those things in and later they had so much problem with them they had to remove walls with black mold if they did not have a good way to evacuate the moisture.

  3. Dennis,
    enjoy the music you pick and enjoy sharing the journey of your building. Maybe one day, will be able to walk thru it. I know that is also your goal, to share the place with invites to other traders and wannabe's
    all an inspiration, for sure

  4. Fabulous Den, just fabulous
