Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Steve Matrix spamming and scamming.......

I love looking in my email box and finding that I need a bigger penis....why I dont' know, but what the heck. I can get a loan on my house for 110% of it's value with no job.....I can get cheaper drugs or a rolex look-a-like for pennies on the dollar. The amount of crapola we all receive in a day is nothing like this Matrix clown however.
HE doesn't send one email, he has to send 20 emails back to back like I am not smart enough to read one, I need like 20 to get the point.

Then today, I get another blast of emails talking like we are best buddies or something. HE just got back from a run to Starbucks and about making sense.....or is that cents......
And he is going to change my life and change the way I trade the markets FOREVER.....shoot who needs that "secret sauce" anymore.....

SIDENOTE: It appears that others have gotten this same series of email from the spammer......as some have forwarded them on to me for a good laugh....YOU want to learn to trade for yourself, then come by either TradersHaven or TradersElements and follow the bouncing ball.......why pay these clowns for anything?????


  1. In the past I had been a fool and payed for some signals and got bitten. After swearing I would never do anything like that again and just concentrate on my trading, a friend of mine had signed up to Steve Matrix and got great results, still I was not going to sign up for it but after a couple more months of him getting great results I thought stuff it i will give it a go. I traded live for one week before stopping with a decent sized drawdown (only risking about 1.5% a trade) and kept an eye on his trades for the next 2 months. Not sure where he gets his results on your email from, but....
    Sept1 thru sept 28 = -1098 pips
    Sept 29 thru Nov 1 = -1265 pips
    I know I'm an idiot for falling into that trap again but I can promise you it will NEVER happen again!

    By the way, nice house.

  2. You should read about how Steve was using the trading desk that Dennis built in his emails pretending it was his. What an idiot this guru is.

  3. Yeah, I had already stopped taking his calls when I found that, it did give me a good laugh though. Things are pretty sad when you need to use a photo of someone elses trading station to try and give yourself credibility.

  4. Why would anyone want to pay for trades in the first place. We are all helping traders so just join us and forget about those toher rooms.
