Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Security.....Red Alert!!!!!

For a number of reasons, and some have been seen in this blog, I am having the entire property hard wired against anyone who might think they can come on the property for no good.

Without disclosing any real details about what is being installed, it has the ability to determine if you are a squrriel, raccoon, bear, deer and even a human that is looking for trouble.

The interesting part is how fast these guys work...they make government employee look really good.....but they are digging their little hearts out all the way around the 9 acres we have.

This is the puppy I want to watch work it's way thru trees and brush. Digging a 6 inch wide trench so the cable can be laid in, then 6 inches of crusher-run stone and filled with dirt.

The fireplace people was started to work on their part of the house now as they delivery pipe for the chimmey. The SECURITY shed is also seen in the background as we have 24/7 full time staff on duty at all times now....

The entire fireplace system is done with steel studs and backer board double taped and no wood showing or even within 6 inches of the backer board. We will also have different devices to monitor, heat, fire and so on inside the fireplace shaft.

This shot is from the fourth floor showing each of the pipes running up to the roof system.

The second and third floor will have two fireplaces back to back...this is from the Great Room or formal living room....

The pipe guys are busy running pipe everywhere, to the kitchen, each floor will have it's own furnace and there will also be a backup generator system so I can trade in the dark.....hehe

When I say they are running this stuff everywhere....I mean it. We are also using black pipe which I believe is the best pipe out there for gas.

Well it took them a couple of days to work the pipe around the house but they did a nice job, here Mike is finishing the last piece.......and with the weather turning cold tonight.....just wish there was a roof on this sucker.

1 comment:

  1. Dennis,

    You must have some bad blood in your neck of the woods that you've never talked about. Anyone who would go to the lengths you are with U.S. Border Patrol-like security technology around the perimeter of your property has had some nasty run-ins with the locals. This just goes way beyond some old guy on the internet and a couple of his cronies giving you a hard time about some trade-a-long proceeds to charity squabble that doesn't add up to a hill of beans in the scope of really important things in one's life.

    Like I've said before here, you got taken in by W and, well, for that matter, W got taken in by Dax. So what, you, me and hundreds of others got a nice fish hook scar on that one.

    BTW, NOBODY saw that Dax scam setting up until he confided in his "business partner" to not believe everything he says in a chat room (aka, the famed commodity portfolio that he was trading that was so highly profitable with just 1 contract per commodity per position and touted to the high heavens by W). Luckily, for quite a few people with wide eyes and deep pockets, the partner was an honest person and ratted Dax out.

    What was W's former career...sales, right? What did Dax do? Why, a salesman of course, luxury cars no less. If you want to trust somebody, it's probably not a good idea to get involved with professional salesmen and a pile of easy money lying around.
