Monday, November 14, 2005

It's that time of the year.......don't leaf me!!!!!

The trees have become an artist dream this past week with oranges, red and bright yellow, this means that it's time to move inside and work for a couple of months....hey where is the roof...

The city had placed a three quarter inch water pipe into the property....but ever try and take a shower and not have enough water pressure????? So I decided we needed a big water line.

The city showed up one day, with a fleet or trucks and their backhoe ready to take on the world. The first thing they did was....TEAR UP THE ROAD....

There is a rule that if you want to have water to water plants, flower and grass you pay about 1/3 for the water since it doesn't have to go thru the sewer plant later.
They put in a new 2 inch pipe so the showers are strong and kept the 3/4" inch pipe for watering the plants.......

The property on two sides is next to the Great Smoky Mountain National Park and we have wild life everywhere......since this spring we have watched this pair of fawns and their mom.......grow up.

We continue to cut grooves so later they can slide the drywall in and have a nice smooth finish.

Of course, it doesn't pay to stand around if you're short......rotfl.

We are building a special UT room to blow away everybody that comes to the they are putting in supports for the post and beams in the second floor....and on and on it goes. Tomorrow, the timber frame guys are coming back to start putting the posts and beams over the great stay tuned.

JUST A SIDE NOTE: Some think that by me posting about the house is some kind of a ego problem......well I have relatives, along time friends in different states and very long time trading buddies that really like to see what is going on....this dream has been in the works for at least 4 years.


  1. i think its great that you post pictures of your dream house,and thank you for sharing it with us

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