Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The First Thanksgiving
In the year 1621, one year after the Pilgrims arrived here, they decided to have a thanksgiving feast to celebrate their good fortune.

They had observed thanksgiving feasts in November as religious obligations in England for many years before coming to the New World. The Algonkian tribes held six thanksgiving festivals during the year. When the Indians sat down to the "First Thanksgiving" with the Pilgrims, it was really the fifth thanksgiving of the year for them!

Captain Miles Standish, the leader of the Pilgrims, invited Squanto, Samoset,and Massasoit,and they brought ninety of their immediate families to join them for a celebration. The Pilgrims were not prepared to feed a gathering of people that large for three days. Thus it happened that the Indians supplied the majority of the food: Five deer, many wild turkeys, fish, beans, squash, corn soup, corn bread, and berries.
Captain Standish sat at one end of a long table and the Clan Chief Massasoit sat at the other end. For the first time the Wampanoag people were sitting at a table to eat instead of on mats or furs spread on the ground.

So this Thanksgiving day, let us all join with our families and friends. Let us all join hands and bow our heads in prayer. Thanking God for this great country we live in, and all that He has given us......I wish you all a Happy and Blessed Thanksgiving Day!


  1. Poor Squanto. Little did he know what was in store for his kids and geand-kids. LOL!!

  2. What a comment to leave after that message

  3. This is news to you? The next year all of those Native Americans were slaves or had smallpox. Read a book.
