Thursday, November 17, 2005

First bar was a WINNER.....

What a difference a day makes, when you just stick to your plan and no matter what yesterday handed stood tall and kept on haulin.

The first bar trade today was a winner after a total loss yesterday, then we had a nice 50CCI ZLR that triggered and the rest was history.....ZLR all day long and only hope those who love me the most didn't try any shorts today. The secret sauce or spread just got stronger all day. We have several auto trading systems, and today the trend following system was all over this one. The slop and chop system did not do well, but that is trading.....

I hear thru the grape vine that Woodie is now talking about puppet traders, WOW.....nice to see that all the puppets he uses to boost his room numbers are somehow learning to trade.......


  1. Woodie's blown up bigtime. Only a matter of time before he gets his own CNBC show to air early Saturday mornings. Like everything else Woodie does, this show will be "for the kids."

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Anonymouse 538,

    You need to be absolutely right when you say something like that - you aren't :-)

    Anonymouse Now.

  4. I was also part of the group that decided to leave the club and we were not asked to leave. We left for a host of reason including Woodie spying on our private room in relay3 called Columbo by using a link to read our text. We saw it for what it was and still is. But believe what you like, what else can you do?
    You need someone to be with during the day and it's free. You know you get what you pay for.

  5. If you left because you felt "spied on" that is sorta childish. I hope you do realize that the entire internet is not private unless you encript, and even then that is suspect.

    But ragging on this for a year is not healthy.

    Have you ever been in an "Investment Club"? Those were around before computers became popular. Woodie's is like a virtual one of those. I enjoyed being in one before online investing hit the scene. We had a great time and I learned a lot.
