Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Ever have one of "those" days

The first bar trade worked again the ER, but I traded the ES today and got nailed. But that's Ok, I will just wait for my next trade setup.....either the ideal setup or the scalper and get it back. Then Trade Station 8.1 version 3.006 decided to crap me out.....it locked up.....then when I restarted the computer the $^^&#*^!)$^!^$^(^ thing would not verify and everytime I tried, it kicked me back out. By noon time I was on hold for over 30 minutes until I got someone to talk to.....but I couldn't understand what he was saying (any one speak English any more) so my blood pressure went to 368 over 140.

So I decided to go up on the hill and forget about trading for awhile, but it wasn't much better up there today either. The gas guy had ran pipes for the 3 outdoor firplaces...just on the wrong floor. The fellow putting a plate together had a problem because the house is 1/2" off from one end to the other, just enough to mess up the joint and we will have to put in a splice......and that is something I don't like at all.......I want 100% perfection. It rained last night and the rocker who are working on the back of the house had the stone from an entire wall slide off......well at least the top 4 feet that messed up the bottom 8 feet.......so they have to remove everything to fit it.

Ever feel like you are the only one having problems? Not sure, but somehow they can always find me...


  1. TS.....means, oh you have a tech problem....then TS.

  2. With the size you trade I'm amazed you have'nt figured out how to hedge. But then again, you're a "good 'ol boy" who won the lottery. Can't expect too much outta ya.

    ALWAYS have 2 brokers. If you were long the ES buy OEX puts as soon as your other account goes bonkers.

  3. Hey Leon......Ever heard of GOOGLE? All Microcrap problems have solutions posted online somewhere. But then again you're a woodie cult groupie who likes to be told what to do and think. Let me guess who you voted for.......? HAHHAHAH
