Sunday, December 30, 2007

The two heads of you..............

Most of you, I suspect, have heard of the Roman god, Janus, after whom the month of January is named. He is the god of beginnings and the guardian of gates and doors. He is represented on Roman coins and in statues as having two heads, back to back. In his right hand, he holds a key. And, perhaps, thinking about this two-faced Roman god will offer us a key to how we can pass through the door to the new year, as individuals and rise to a new level......just maybe.

The one head is looking back while the other head is looking forward, and this is some respects is what New Years Day is about. A new beginning, a list of things to do in the new year, lose weight, stop smokin, finish college and so on. But I would like to talk about the other side of Janus. The one looking back, we all do it, what we could have done, what we could have done better, why didn't we think of this and why we did that.....MAN, was that stupid. You can pound yourself in the ground looking back at all that garbage in your life.

You bought this program, signed up for that chat room, followed the guru right into the ground....and ended up with just plain garbage.

You heard in some chat room about this filter and the latest indicator and followed it right into the ground using what ended up being just more garbage.

You read in an article in some magazine, saw an infomercial, bought some DVD's on trading and followed it right into the ground.....a hope that turned into garbage.

You now look back and think, what the heck was I thinking and more important what do I do now. I have lost money, time and energy working on this trading thing, trying to make a living. It looked so easy, they said it was as easy as clicking your mouse, follow the pattern, but here you the end of the year and still not there. What garbage are going to haul into 2008, you look at your credit card statements and see all the stuff you bought and can't believe you are still no better today then you were last year at this time.

We all have garbage, we all have things that we will forever look back on and think about how we screwed up, that is a part of life. Making mistakes is part of life, learning from them is part of life, but we are talking about trading for a living here.

Today, you should think about only one thing......has the stuff I used to trade with provided me with the opportunity, I desired, to reach the next level in my trading career or in my life? If it hasn't, then why are you going to take it with you as we begin a new? Hundreds of readers come thru here everyday, I guess, for a number of reasons, but if you are struggling, then what are you going to do? Now, is the time to decide!! Not three months from now, not at the end of 2008 if you still have any money left, but NOW........TODAY.........

Janus, has two heads, one to look back at the past and one to look forward to the future. Can you leave the garbage behind, remember it, reflect on it, but let it there and start a new???? ..........Can you believe in yourself, trust in yourself and make 2008 that year when "YOU" did some amazing things....things you have not even thought of yet but will be revealed as you reach that new level in your life.


Saturday, December 29, 2007

Steve Matrix sends me an email.........WOW!!!

You can click on the picture and read the email for yourself, but this afternoon I received an email from Mr. Steve Matrix about having used my trading desk to promote his business.

I believe that when someone comes clean, says they are sorry and asks you to forgive them for whatever only have one choice.

I do forgive you Steve for using my trading desk and only wish you the best as you move forward in your life. Getting retribution would never be part of my style, I can only hope that whatever tragedy you faced it has make you a stronger person, one that now extends his hands out to those who need it the most.

What a Great Christmas gift........Semper Fidelis to you and yours......and PEACE BRO!!!

Friday, December 28, 2007

WE knew him as The Big Cheese but..........

So this guy, just like the rest of us was trying to learn how to trade when he wondered into the, LLC. He watched, he followed, he asked questions, he listened...yes he was just like the rest of us. But, then one day it happened, Gio had her mic open (by mistake) and also had taken a CCI setup that didn't work out, (A LOSER) and she said, "OH, FUDGE".

Well that started it, The Big Cheese was off and running and the rest of us would log in two or three times a day just to see what he wrote in the his blog about the, LLC and the moderators, and we would have a good laugh. I never personally thought of it as laughing at the moderators themselves, after all we were all in the same boat. But at how he would write about it, the sense of humor was classic and how he would take a simple little thing and blow it up bigtime.

I heard rumors but as time went by....The Big Cheese became a distance memory until today in the chat room. His name came up.....and his name was Bob Lassiter and here is a couple of links so you can follow along as to what happen to Bob.

So Bob, we'll miss ya and that great sense of in peace man rest in peace...........

Monday, December 24, 2007

Finally got my lights up and working......

I love you guys, got an email this afternoon from a trading buddy that he finally got his Christmas lights and I guess working.......ROTFL.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The reason behind what I do......

There is always someone that believes everyone is always out after something or has a hidden agenda, that no one just does something for the good of their fellow man and I understand this. This weekend Jordon Hensley came home from the hospital after receiving a new heart and what a great Christmas gift for her family. But, at the same time, Ashley Paine's family will have Christmas this year without their daughter who was killed in fatal bus crash a few weeks back. There are stories that touch us from time to time...where someone did something that makes you go...WOW, now that is great....

As most of you know, and from first hand, that it's not unusually for our family to do things for others, sometimes for a reason and mostly likely for no reason. We help raise babies and pre-schoolers so they mom's can finish college and make a better life for themselves and their kids, of course, that one is for a reason, it's planned. The Oktoberfest for the United Way, the Boys and Girls Club, ASPCA are among a few things that are all planned very carefully.

When I decided to finally do the educational workshop and trade=a=long here at the house, it was decided not to lay the cost onto the attendees, most of whom are friends of mine and have listened for over 4 years about my dream, but just have them come and hangout. Then I thought, what if they gave something to my local charites...and the rest is history.....over 89k went directly to those charities.

Last Thursday, while at the Mountain Hope Clinic yard sale, from the fire that the Jim Gray Gallery had a week earlier. I bought this very nice handmade plant holder thingie by giving a donation to the clinic, it was a little burnt around the edges, and had a chip or two in it.....but like me, life had tested it and it survived. Yes, most of you think I am on the top of the pile so to speak, but it hasn't always been that way......there was a time when a good hot 3 course meal would have been the highlight of my week. So I can relate to this little plant holder when I picked it up and checked it out.......

Why do I do what I do now, because I learned at that yard sale, that donations are still coming in from out of state.....600 from Georgia, 350 from Florida and then my email box, will ever so often receive an email like this one. Someone has turned their boat around, someone is now being a good steward, someone now believes in themselves, someone is now giving to others, which is what Christmas is all about, HE gave his only Son to us, so that we might live.

It's not what you get in life that matters, it's what you give....what have you done today???????

Friday, December 21, 2007 WARNING WARNING!!!!!!!

Well, I know first hand the tricks that the brown shirt in the, LLC do to anyone that does not tow the line or even question what they do. In 2003 during the second Woodies CCI Conference in Vegas, I noticed a few things that didn't add up, and then after the first Trade-a-Long in Chicago when Hoot gave Woodie all the cash from the 72 attendees and he said, "Well, this is going to work out better then I thought", that was it for me. I started to questions some of the things that were going on, but in my own private password protected chat room with my trading buddies. Within a few minutes, he would answer the question over in his room. Well, the emails flew between all of us we then decided to see if he was really reading our text. So we set him up and sure enough, he was again defending his turf........"Well, there is 10 winners in a row, see how easy that is, you don't need no stinking prices, hope everyone got all those winners...yack yack yack, yack".

Then came Gio........and after working for Woodie and doing anything he wanted....stocks.....moderating...on and on...suddenly she was gone. She had violated a rule, she wanted to do a workshop in chicago with Jean-Yus and he said NO.

Then came DrBob
....again after working for Woodie and doing anything to help others....he started to get more attention with his idea of using the length of 50 instead of 14......well when DrBob candle was shining brighter then his.....WELL!!

Then came along TW, again after working for Woodie and doing everything he could and one his own guessed it.....He blew out TW candle.

Now the latest, after a long history of tricks and deception, having people do moderatoring for "HIM", doing video presentations for "HIM", answering thousands of questions from newbies instead of "HIM", responsing to endless emails about this and that inplace of "HIM", Woodie has struck again and WHY???? There once was a whole host of things that was available that mPlay did on his own time and for FREEEEeeeeeeeeee. Now, there are no more.

Which brings us to this question, for those who are in that cult....what is in your future? Are you working for the good of the room, but at the same time afraid of stepping out of line for one second. Do you worry about someone that you made friends with and no there aren't around anymore.....WHY they aren't there anymore?

You have to know....deep in your heart, that things aren't as they seem. Traders helping Traders....a great slogan for sure, but have you ever seen Woodie or TonyUK stand up and trade live in front of ANYONE? Have you ever seen anything that would even suggest that he actually does give money to Make-a-Wish? Oh, I know there have been a whole list of people that have given with their hearts to Make-a-Wish but in honor of the, LLC or Ken Woods himself. But, where is it that "HE" gave and not the followers.....his blinded sheep.....baaa baaa......

Here is the link you should visit and read from mPlay himself about his view of all this.... and you can click on the title bar above to view the link and what has happened since we was advised to "GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE, and THANKS FOR NOTHING". "You ain't doin no class about how the CCI might not work that good", He said. But, not one word will be said in his chatroom about this latest work of BSski from Ken Wood and his brown shirts and.......WHY?????

Because none of the followers of the, LLC. have the balls to standup like a man and ask questions...that's why!!! I remember back in my college days about a poem from Pastor Martin Niemöller.......First they came for the Jews and I did not speak out because I was not a Jew. Then they came for the Communists and I did not speak out because I was not a Communist. Then they came for the trade unionists and I did not speak out because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

To all those who follow this blog and are in the, LLC when will they come for you? When will the day come that you are out in the cold, forgotten and lonely, with no place to go? No place to hang out during the day or have fellowship with other traders it's not a matter "IF", only a matter of WHEN!!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Like 12 year old Taylor Max and a wish.......

There she was in front of thousands of people singing the National Anthem at the Poinsettia Bowl in 2006, her life long dream. No it wasn't the Orange Bowl or even the Rose National Championship game either, but it was her dream and that is all the counted. She wasn't Whitney Houston or a Kate Smith, just Taylor Max living her dream.....and she did.

You see the Make-a-Wish Foundation made it happen, and that is why people do what they do for this charity, so kids can live their dreams. Which brings us today in the chat room, as the head master was begging people to buy the DVD set for $899.00, so he could send it on to MAW. Since 100% of the proceeds that WOODIE recevies go directly to help the kids......if he said it once he said it 50 times.........

So I guess the question that needs to be asked, if you have to pay $30.00 to send six DVD by snail mail......I checked it would be about $6.20 in the US and Cananda, and all the money goes to MAW after Woodie gets it. Then why over work Woodie in the first place......can't we just send the $899.00 directly to MAW and then send the email confirmation or receipt to the and get the home study course and then pay the shipping cost......

That would make more sense then having Woodie keep track of everything, during the holidays and this way the kids would get their wishes ASAP.....some don't have a lot of time. So buy the DVD, send the money to and then forward it on to Woodie...I am sure he would be fine with this......Just trying to help traders get theirs....

ROTFL.........thanks for the laugh.......

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "WOW what a day in the chat room..........":
150 contracts in ER2? How about you show us a brokerage statement?
Until then, I can't say I really believe it. You say you did it live but what does that mean? You posted in your room what, "I've just shorted 150 contracts." That ain't saying much. Any nut can say what they want in their own room. And the pics don't prove anything. I don't see a an account number. Most pros I know will not trade 150 contracts in ES because the queue is so thin during the holidays. And what are you teaching your room by going from 6 to 150 contracts? Do us all a favor, post your brokerage statement or put the bong down. Anyone with any kind of experience knows you can't pull that off during the holidays.

I love you post, keep them up...PLEASE.....
First thing you need to do is go and check the daily volume on at the CME. If you need help let me know. Here are the facts for the 19th of each month listed below.

Product Oct Nov Dec
ES 1.5m 2.1m 2.6m
ER 191k 316k 493k

This means the volume is increasing and not decreasing so "pulling" it off during the holiday it actually easier.

What am I teaching?
NOTHING.....The chat room is for people...(mostly trading buddies) to hang out and share ideas in an open enviroment. Not like that where you can't say anything about anything for fear of pissing the Princess of the Wooden Shaft off.
I trade like I trade and I really don't care about how someone might feel, they don't pay anything so they are free to go anytime they want.....All I am showing is how I setup a trade, if I see a setup on the higher time frame like Tuesday (15m) work I do what I do when I see that.

When I was about 12-14 and the girls would talk know....I would always say, "Hey, you show me yours and I'll show you mine". So, post your Broker Statement here and then I'll post mine. But, I don't believe, by posting using the Anonymous sign in, that you have the balls to do that, now do you or even your boss.

But, starting in January 2008, I will be entering a contest and we'll let that broker show you the results and then you can decide for yourself. Other then that, I really don't give a flying raspberry what you think, I'll just keep on truckin and doing my thing......simple as that!!!!

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

My gift wish list for Christmas 2007:

Dear Santa,
My gift wish list for Christmas 2007:

Dick Cheney - a ‘partridge in a pear tree’

Condoleezza Rice - ‘two turtle doves’

Nicolas Sarkozy - ‘three French hens’

Bill Clinton - ‘four calling birds’

Boston Red Sox - ‘five gold rings’

Hillary Clinton - ‘six geese a-laying’

Ted Kennedy - ‘seven swans a-swimming’

P.Diddy - ‘eight maids a-milking’

Helio Castroneves - ‘nine ladies dancing’

Senator Larry Craig - ‘ten lords a-leaping’

Miami Dolphins - ‘eleven pipers piping’

Rosie O’Donnell - ‘twelve drumsticks drumming’

George W. Bush - a rainbow-colored plastic slinky

Kim Jong-il - Chia Pet

The UN - a gig at the Laugh Factory

Al Gore - a carbon footprint strong enough to hold me

Joey Buttafucco & Amy Fisher - Bada Bing, Bada Boom

Dog the Bounty Hunter - an “Al Sharpton Action Figure”

Paris Hilton - “Piece on Earth”

Loonie - buy the United States, make it the 11th province of Canada and call it U.S.EH!

Nancy Pelosi - a bikini wax

Ron Paul - a reunion with my half brother/half sister RuPaul

Vladimir Putin - mouseketeer ears hat (adult)

Harry Reid - a bikini wax

La Macarena - Al Gore for president 2008

Dennis Kucinich - steroids

Barney Frank - a bikini

Norman Mailer - oops, too late

Rudy Giuliani - “Weekend at Bernie’s,” the DVD

Prancer & Donner - same sex-marriage

Prince Charles - to be King for once

Freddie Mercury - to be a Queen again

Australia – a Nutter like the Mayor of Philadelphia

Pope Benedict XVI – “Stairway to Heaven” by Led Zeppelin

Mike Huckabee – the biography of Gomer Pyle, “Shazam, Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!”

Hugo Chavez - the Clapper, ‘clap on, clap off’

Conrad Black - Soap- on- a- Rope, made in Canada

John McCain - a %@#* anger management book

Britney Spears - a double-wide trailer

Benazir Bhutto - get General Pervez Musharraf a job at Apu’s Quickie Mart

Heather Mills - a grande ratte

Sudan – a Three Stooges poster of Larry, Curly and Mo – er, Maurice

John Edwards - a picture of John Edwards

Rudolph - rhinoplasty surgery

Writers Guild of America

Fred Thompson - Get Smart: The Complete Collection

Paul McCartney – a woman, who eats meat, drinks milk, wears fur and can stand on her own two feet

New York Times – a Perry Como sweater

Don Imus - a supply of adult size nappies from England

Michael Vick - a ‘hot’ dog

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad - a name, people can pronounce, like Darth Vader

Barack Obama - Politics for Dummies, 2nd Edition

Andrea Mitchell – “irrational exuberance”, from Alan

Viagra - mistletoe and office parties

O.J. Simpson - NRA membership

Mitt Romney - ringtone, “Gort! Klaatu barada nikto!”…

ACLU - nativity scenes, in court

Redwood - a hug from Al Gore

The US Military – Aretha Franklin’s “…R-E-S-P-E-C-T…find out what it means to me”

Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism - Peace on Earth

Monday, December 17, 2007

WOW what a day in the chat room..........

SO there we were it was 12:03 and lunch time had arrived, I had been trading a 6 lot up until then as the market just bounced around with no direction. I was in the hope mode, praying to caught the next big swing and there was no follow thru. Since I am a trend trader and this was a swingers only morning it wasn't lookin pretty as I sat there eating my sub......not at all. Eighty people in the chat room had seen the worse trading in a month. I told them that these narrow range eat you alive but out of that comes wide range and I only had to stay out of trouble until then.
Then the sixth trade of the day trigger and I shorted, only to get clipped out yet again for a small loss but by this time, I was in no mood for any losses much less even a small one......then is triggered again just as I was getting stopped....and I thought..........................THE HELL WITH IT and went into hammer down mode, I had just had a total of 6 losses and I knew from my research it was time to get'r back so I load up the boat and set sail....

I use ninja charting and order entry to manage the trade and once I got to BE, my world started to turn around, the light of day can thru the windows, but until then I could feel my heart pounding in my throat......I had my target the world was good again......

IT was real good, as the next 4 trades were just nailing the entries and exits....tick extremes, stoch pullback and the secret sauce, shoot we even had a crown pattern setup that was worth a few bucks.......The traders in the room must still be talking about the live show that went on today...I have to believe.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

OK some ground rules there SPOT!!!!


To be posted VERY LOW on the refrigerator door - nose height.

Dear Dogs and Cats,
The dishes with the paw prints are yours and contain your food. The other dishes are mine and contain my food. Please note, placing a paw print in the middle of my plate of food does not stake a claim for it becoming your food and dish, nor do I find that aesthetically pleasing in the slightest.

The stairway was not designed by NASCAR and is not a racetrack.
Beating me to the bottom is not the object. Tripping me doesn't help because I fall faster than you can run.

I cannot buy anything bigger than a king sized bed. I am very sorry about this. Do not think I will continue sleeping on the couch to ensure your comfort. Dogs and cats can actually curl up in a ball when they sleep. It is not necessary to sleep perpendicular to each other stretched out to the fullest extent possible. I also know that sticking tails straight out and having tongues hanging out the other end to maximize space is nothing but sarcasm.

For the last time, there is not a secret exit from the bathroom. If by some miracle I beat you there and manage to get the door shut, it is not necessary to claw, whine, meow, try to turn the knob or get your paw under the edge and try to pull the door open. I must exit through the same door I entered. Also, I have been using the bathroom for years --canine or feline attendance is not mandatory.

The proper order is kiss me, then go smell the other dog or cat's butt. I cannot stress this enough!

To pacify you, my dear pets, I have posted the following message on our front door:

To All Non-Pet Owners Who Visit & Like to Complain About Our Pets

1. They live here. You don't.
2. If you don't want their hair on your clothes, stay off the furniture. (That's why they call it 'fur'niture.)
3. I like my pets a lot better than I like most people.
4. To you, it's an animal. To me, he/she is an adopted son/daughter who is short, hairy, walks on all fours and doesn't speak clearly.

Remember: Dogs and cats are better than kids because they:
1. Eat less
2. Don't ask for money all the time
3. Are easier to train
4. Usually come when called
5. Never drive your car
6. Don't hang out with drug-using friends
7. Don't smoke or drink
8. Don't worry about having to buy the latest fashions
9. Don't wear your clothes
10. Don 't need a gazillion dollars for college, and
11. If they get pregnant, you can sell their children had another problem.......

There he was, he had worked so hard on know moderating, answering the endless questions from newbies, doing those recorded session of how to play options, emails, TAL and whatever was needed, mPlay was there.....BUT!!!!

The day came when he had to go, Woodie had had enough of mplay, the reason isn't important when "HE" is in one of "HIS" moods, the decision had been made and TonyUK had approved......and then it came......BUZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

Like so many before him, like DAX, remember DAX.....and the famous commodities trader that had taken just 10k and turned it into over 100k in a few weeks, well before the truth came out, up until that point however it was praise, praise and here is your own (praise) chat room DAX. Then it happened, DAX-b-gone.

When trader talked about it, then came the famous....text-b-gone, which was another of hotcomm feature we all enjoyed. Out of the blue, zap....and the text had been adjusted.

Then came the Gio-b-gone tab....and the JeanYus-b-gone tab, the Teddy-b-gone tab, Rover-b-gone, Cathy_FL-b-gone, Olmikey-b-gone, CluelessTrader-b-gone, TraderDave, RMK, Kate, Bonnie, Won, Shanti, DesertDude, R7, DrBob, Eman_CA, JoAnne, TraderDoug, BobCathy1, Jayscat, Fitzy, Blinky, Kart, Sgt. J, MoneyPenny, Dloomis, Kiwi, KenP, KenC, Hoot, Heart, Samira, TL3, Busa, tHEfED, Verus, Dharma, Kiwi, Croc, Iceman, LcL+3, Rainman, Biker_NJ, BrB, codehead, Hammer, BigCheese, Maggie, Antiicc, TW_WI, Jeanann, Ave3, Lobsterboy, WB_NJ, Spike, MarkB, Frank P., Egor, Sammy, Rocco, Janie,
Esmeralda, Donna, Nick, Vinnie, Fat Louie, Woodman, RG2JH, DrSatish, Raven358, Steve4223, Taku, DebbieDeb, Folls, Angela, David_UK, HC-ED, Soren, Edgeseeker, Fritzer, KenC, Ricky, Fitzy, Bobby, Kiwi, Fill_or_Kill, Jeff, Sally_CA, MoJo, Hanksterr, Boatguy, Viper_CA, Shane_CA and yada yada yada yada......

It appears that the website has been adjusted for the latest "OUT OF HERE-b-goner" and there is no mention of more no more.... All those years of helping people to get a grip on trading ....GONE. All those years of answering emails and endless quesitions from the newbies...GONE. The recording session of option trading after hours...GONE. Moderatoring to help others....GONE.

Who then is the real loser here, well it's not mPlay for sure....he is still the same person as he was last week. The real loser is the WoodiesCCIClub as so many many times in the past someone has been deleted. The good news is that mPlay has setup his own chatroom over in for those who enjoy his two cents on things.....

Thanks there Ken Wood for letting anyone get away from the cult. NO KOOLADE for mPlay anymore....:)

Friday, December 07, 2007

Minnesota Bridge collapse so a man can understand it

For Engineers:OBJECTIVES:
To identify the S.H.M. ( Simple Harmonic Motion) as a periodic, oscillatory and vibratory movement.
To visualize a body which describes an S.H.M.
To define and identify the principle physical magnitudes which intervene in an S.H.M.
To visualize and interact with the graphs which represent these magnitudes.
To visualize the relation which exists between the S.H.M. and the Uniform Circular Movement.
*Below is a simple laboratory device used to exhibit the mechanical parameters.

However, for those of us who aren't engineers, but just beer drinkin, rib chewing, chicken eatin rednecks, if you click on the picture....WELL you'll understand the principle also.....

Thursday, December 06, 2007

We have come a long way from those paltalk days!!

When Mr. Lambert first wrote about the Commondity Channel Index indicator, it had two pages with mostly charts.

Then Barbara Star wrote an article on a different way to think about the indicator back in February of 1992, that is over 15 years ago now. The recent journey of the indicator has now lead us to this point........

There are 22 different things to think about more batman setups just these:

An alert message bar shows at the top of the chart when the CCI line is above 200 or below -200.

Woodie's pivots for Pivot Point PP, R3, R2, R1, S1, S2, and S3.

Pivot levels show graphically on the chart with price and label.

34 EMA study

25 LSMA study

Candlesticks, Ensign Rockets, Ensign Zebras, or Ensign Flutes. Chart example shows Ensign Rockets.

Big yellow block markers showing past CCI extremes above 200 and below -200.

Small yellow pegs are shown for the first occurrence of a higher high at the top of the sub-window, and for the first occurrence of a lower low at the bottom of the sub-window.

Day Session High value and the Net to the current price from this High.

+200 grid line colored green when Close is above the 34 EMA and colored red when below.

Net distances to the nearest Woodie pivots above and below the current price.

Number of seconds remaining in this bar's time period. Information is shown in yellow when less than 20 seconds left.

High of prior bar and current bar. Current price. Low of prior bar and current bar.
The High values will show in green when the current bar has a higher high.
The Low values will show in red when the current bar has a lower low.

Number of ticks in the current bar.

Angle in degrees of the slope of the LSMA study line.
Angle in degrees of the slope of the EMA study line.
Total of the 2 angle values. Trend labels of Flat, Normal and Trending based on the Total value.

Day Session Low value and the Net to the current price from this Low.

-200 grid line colored red when the angle sum is Flat, yellow when Normal, and Green when Trending.

-100 and +100 grid lines colored with the CZI study which is a nearness test of price to the EMA.

0 grid line colored green when Close is above the 25 LSMA and colored red when below.

Primary 14 period CCI study indicator. Plotted as a thick black line.

Fast 6 period CCI leading indicator. Plotted as a thin yellow line.

Histogram colored gray after crossing the zero line, yellow on the 5th bar, and red or blue when trending.

Make ya wonder what the next 15 years will bring........doesn't it? I hear that the WoodiesCCIClub is now talking about how they invented range bar and are the only people that understand how to use them correctly.....WOW.

Tuesday, December 04, 2007

Looking into the magic "8" ball

Well back on October 11th when the market stalled with an outside bar, the formation, at the time would be considered a Haggerty 123. So it dropped, then it rallied, but where could it stall again was the burning question????

A fibonacci level at .618 which is the first circle, the market held that area for 4 long range bound days before giving it up. The next question on everyones mind was where can it go from there. Well of course, the first place is a .786 of the rally swing and then a double bottom, but for us fib guys....we were all looking for a 1.272 extension and praying for it to get down there to even a 1.618.

Then the market rallied again, which makes us wonder what is next.....RIGHT????

Well it quite simple from my point of view, back down to 13,000 which is .618 of this latest rally swing and by the 11th and then one hell of a rally.....just my opinion, ROTFL..........

What's yours???

Monday, December 03, 2007

What is VALUE?????

To realize the value of ten years:
Ask a newly divorced couple.

To realize the value of four years:
Ask a graduate.

To realize the value of one year:
Ask a student who has failed a final exam.

To realize the value of nine months:
Ask a mother who gave birth to a stillborn.

To realize the value of one month:
Ask a mother who has given birth to a premature baby.

To realize the value of one week:
Ask an editor of a weekly newspaper.

To realize the value of one hour:
Ask the lovers who are waiting to meet.

To realize the value of one minute:
Ask a person who has missed the train, bus or plane.

To realize the value of one second:
Ask a person who has survived an accident.

To realize the value of one millisecond:
Ask the person who has won a silver medal in the Olympics.

Time waits for no one. Treasure every moment you have.
You will treasure it even more when you can share it with someone special.

To realize the value of a friend:
Lose one.

Sunday, December 02, 2007

Is there a Judias among us now?????

We all know the story about the man that hung out and broke bread with Jesus and all the time was smiling, laughing while enjoying the fruits of his work. Not much is mentioned about him before that night and only a few lines after the betrayal, but the name Judias has come to symbolize, in a lot of ways, a person who betrays while pretending to be a friend.

I personally believe that the phrase WWJD actually means "What Would Judias Do" more then the common view of "What Would Jesus DO" because without a Judias among us then how would the rest of the story of salvation EVER be fulfilled? Sometimes, when you think that a person is blocking your way, they are actually empowering you to do something else in your journey thru life.

If I didn't get that promotion, WELL, then the reason is that there is something better waiting for me. If I didn't win that item on eBay, WELL, then the reason must be there will something even better next time. If I missed that plane, WELL then the reason is that I need to be at the airport long enough for someone to come into my life for a brief time to talk about something that is either important to me or to "them".

There are hundreds of stories I could about tell about those little things, a note on a windshield, a chance meeting of an old friend, a letter delivered to the wrong address, some one who just started to talk to me over lunch and so on that has defined who I really am, what I do and why.......

Back a few years ago, someone spent a lot of time spreading false rumors about me and my family. Trying to tell people that the bridge that we build to access the garage was actually a bridge being built by the city to enter a park. About how my wife was rich and that I was just living off her money. The attacks were at times interesting if not annoying. Those who knew me, knew it wasn't true because what my Judias didn't know that most of them visited this area on a regular basis and knew the entire family and all the history, most had talked to locals while in town and so on.

He blasted me while in for either not showing up to call out trades like the day that the Dolly Foundation gave it's one millionth book away to kids from low income areas of the country or for a number of other issues he had. I had to leave the WoodiesCCIClub once I figured out that it was cash at the door during those early TAL and no donations to Make-a-Wish back by Ken Wood in 2004. At the time it was just Ken Wood and not the WoodiesCCIClub, LLC.

He came into my first chat room called TradersParadise in Hotcomm. But I had to leave that software because of the voliation of privacy issues of having others come in behind the password protection and were able to view "private things". My stock and options transactions, talking to a programmer about system trading and so on.

He started a blog and blasted everyone that had anything to do with the WoodiesCCIClub and kept making up stuff about everyone from Gio, JeanYus, DrBob, JW, and or course MYSELF.

So for the past 4 years we have been tracking visits to this blog, viewing the logins from the Hotcomm chat room and now of course, "HE" has shown up in the chat room in With todays technology all entries are time stamped, IP address and in some cases even a chocolate chip "cookie" can be tracked. Patterns develop that stand out, word patterns that one normally use and so on. During the past 6 weeks, in the Limitdown chatroom in "HE" didn't show up at first, but every entry into this blog must have caused him pain as I posted the newspaper articles about the educational workshop at the end of September, 89K was raised for 3 local charties. It must have caused him even more pain to learn that I wasn't selling anything either, it was all open code, NO SECRET SAUCE you had to

If it wasn't for "HIM" I don't believe I would have started the chat room over in Hotcomm, nor had the educational trading workshop a few weeks back or would have done the current loose chat room we have now. But, trust me, I KNOW WHO YOU ARE there is no need for you to play games anymore unless you want to really play games........

Married to a wonderful middle aged women and live a 4 bedroom house that you paid just over 120k for. Now the really funny part is that you have 4 sex offenders living within 4 blocks of your house....check it out dude. The number 4 comes up alot .....if you know what I mean.

The bottom line is "J"udias, the fun and games that you have enjoyed at my expense are OVER, unless you are interested in having everyone know who you are, there is a time and place for everthing, but your time is has expire.......I have posted a few things, think of what else we know about you really want to go down that road????

I don't think your buddies do, better email them and ask.......even your email address has the "Mark of the Beast" in doesn't it???

And where were you on August 2, 2005?